
Water Supply Services

Water Treatment Plants

Gamma Technology


Gamma® offers a comprehensive commercial solution for demineralized water supply and water treatment. In this scheme, our company handles the entire lifecycle of water treatment projects—from engineering and procurement to construction. We also take charge of operating and maintaining the plant during service. Meanwhile, our clients provide the physical space and necessary industrial services. The billing is based on the volume of water delivered within specified parameters. Trust us to deliver excellence!

Volume of demineralized water produced
+ 0

We have developed water and effluent treatment technologies related to the following processes.

Consult our technical advisors to specify the right product for your system.

Custom projects

We adapt to the most demanding technological processes.

From food grade requirements to oil industry standards.

Gamma has developed demineralized water production projects with specifications of <10 ppb SiO₂ <1 μS/cm to feed steam generation systems and 1550 psi reformers, maintaining process stability and the integrity of our clients’ equipment.

Demin Water 120 m³/h

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